bits & BYTE owns the authority to control the Data on this website. You can contact us at contact@bitsandbyte.net
We understand that the information you share on this website regarding your contacts and your company is confidential and should be stored and secured. bits and BYTE processes and stores this data into an electronic database system.
We may hold the information in any kind that you provide us. We also store your IP address information, technical details about your device accessing this website, location, time and dates of the user accessing device and the information that you disclose on the website about the org, self and related ones.
We use this data and information to monitor and improve the website. We also can use it for market research in compliance with the legal and regulatory requirements. We may share this information to sub-contractors and registered members as well. And we may disclose this information if asked to do so by the law or in case of a law amended or updated. For the security of this information, we will take responsible technical and organizational measure.
The use of this website by a user or organization in no circumstances, grants them rights in relation to bits & BYTE intellectual property or the intellectual property of the third parties accessed via this website.
You may not copy, reproduce, republish, download, broadcast, post, record, transmit, commercially exploit, edit, communicate to the public or distribute in any way any content that is accessed using this website unless and until permission is granted to you by the copyright holder of the content or owning authority of the organization bits & BYTE
Please note that your own data is your own responsibility. Recommendation from bits & BYTE to the users is to install appropriate security patches and software while accessing this website. The user will not use this website to compromise the security of any other user or organization. User should not share access of this website and also not share the subscribed emails auto generated by this website.
bits & BYTE do not take any responsibility to compensate the user or organization (whether or not we are negligent) for any direct financial loss, loss of profit, revenue, time, anticipated savings or profit or revenue, opportunity, data, use, business, wasted expenditure, business interruption, loss arising from disclosure of confidential information, loss arising from, or in connection with the usage of this website at any time or damage to physical property or for any other similar direct loss that may arise. bits & BYTE does not take any responsibility to compensate the user or organization for any direct or indirect or consequential loss or damage whatsoever. We do not take responsibility of the content, linked usage of 3rd party and that involves web services such as Youtube etc., in relation with user or organization personal data or information provided to any integrated or not integrated system.
Note, In the document wherever used "We" is bits & BYTE And wherever used "You" is the user or the organization. The term "Website" is used for the website and linked websites and linked portals of bits & BYTE