b&B (BITS AND BYTE) Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)
b&B (BITS AND BYTE) Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)
b&B has adopted this Acceptable Use Policy to define the scope of prohibited activities relating to the use of Services leased by customers of b&B and their users. This Acceptable Use Policy outlines certain types of activity that are expressly prohibited by b&B and partners of b&B to Customers of the b&B Partner Network, b&B services and related products (the "Services"). This Policy is in addition to any restrictions or other limitations on use that a user may be subject to by virtue of any service agreement or other terms and conditions executed between a Customer and b&B (“Service Agreement”). b&B may modify this Policy at any time, effective upon posting of the modified policy on this page.
Please refer to the definitions mentioned on section of GTC
Illegal Activity: The Internet Service shall not be used for any unlawful activities or in connection with any criminal or civil violation. b&B strictly prohibits the use of Services for the transmission, distribution, retrieval, or storage of any information or data violation of any applicable law or regulation.
In particular, you should not use any services in a way that:
- Introduction of malicious programs into the network or server.
- Attempts to break the security of any computer network or uses.
- Miscellaneous activities like advertising, intentionally transmitting files containing a computer virus or corrupted data.
- Attempting to mail bomb a site with mass amount of email in order to flood their server.
- Attempts to manipulate or bypass any limitations on the Service by any means.
- User may not attempt to gain unauthorized access to, or attempt to interfere with or compromise the normal functioning, operation or security of, any portion of The b&B Network.
- Users are prohibited from intentionally or negligently add false data into the Internet.
Each b&B customer is responsible for the activities of its users and, by accepting service from b&B, is agreeing to ensure that its customers/representatives or end-users obey by this Policy.
Any complaints and notification regarding prohibited use of b&B Services or violations of AUP should sent as an email to [email protected] If Users engage in conduct while using the Internet Service that violates this AUP, b&B reserves the right to suspend or terminate your Internet Service or User’s access to the Internet Service.
If you are unsure whether any inspect to use or action is permitted, Submit your quires / comments to b&B at contact@bitsandbyte.net